
Friday, October 28, 2011

Be My Vote

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to vote Republican to do this right? Although I am pro-life, I am strongly against what a lot of the Republicans want such as gun control and making it harder to get a green card. The Bible says we should be "as harmless as doves." so no need for guns. The horrors of the treatment of Hispanics in this country is disgusting. There is a lot of emphasis on abortion here, but I am surprised how little there is emphasis for the poor refuges who try to seek help in our country as theirs is over run by drug wars. There are literally people who sit near the border and shoot at any Hispanics they see. People in southern states such as Alabama are known for illegally forcing Hispanics to show their papers that they are here legally or were born here. How much hate there is for them in a country that's supposed to be Christian and as Christians we really should be showing love for ALL people including the unborn and the immigrant.


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