
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Unashamed Narrow-Mindedness


  1. Can I assume that, since you posted that graphic, you want abortion to be illegalized and fetuses/"babies" to be given the right to life? Well, just FYI, if you give a fetus the right to life, you’re basically enslaving the woman in whose body that fetus is growing, and if she harms the fetus at all, or ends up miscarrying it, birthing it prematurely, or ends up with a stillborn baby, she’ll be charged with the death of that fetus. And, since miscarriages, premature births, and stillbirths don’t always have cut-and-dry explanations behind them, it will often be extremely hard to prove that a woman didn’t intentionally kill the fetus. The woman will have to be constantly paranoid about what she eats, drinks, and does with her life, since she’ll constantly be afraid that she’ll be charged with murdering or harming the fetus inside of her. She won’t be able to live a happy, care-free life at all. Basically, the fetus inside of her will be ruling her life, and that won’t be at all her choice.

    Seriously, how can you be okay with that sort of a mindset, and how can you be okay with controlling women in that way? I understand that you care about fetuses, but why not care about women as well? (And no, forcing women through pregnancy and childbirth—which is what you’re doing, since you’re taking away the ability for a woman to choose not to go through with her pregnancy—is not caring at all, no matter how much you claim it is. Nor is treating pregnancy like a punishment—or “consequence,” as you put it, but we all know that “consequence” is a synonym for “punishment”—caring at all.)

  2. Hannah,
    Thank you for your thoughts! I understand what you're saying. You are correct, I do want to see Roe v Wade overturned and abortion be made illegal, but for the same reason that I want infanticide, eugenics, and murder to be illegal. I believe abortion is murdering the youngest members of our society, and because I value human life I am against that. I believe nine months of being pregnant is a small price to pay for a lifetime for another human being.
    You mentioned miscarriages. I can't imagine something more heartbreaking than losing a child like that. I don't think that a pregnancy enslaves a woman. While she can't have booze or take certain medications while pregnant, again, it's a small price to pay to save the life of another human being. Pregnancy is an amazing thing that only women can do, I don't think there's anything more feminine (or stunning and beautiful!) than that.
    Thank you for your thoughts! I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

  3. this woman has some very interesting thoughts on abortion, just wanted to pass it along. Also, Ifind it terribly sad that anyone would think of pregnancy as some type of prison sentence, or that anyone would try to justify the murder of a child with the mother's need for a 'carefree' life.

  4. What if a woman isn't naturally feminine, though, or what if she just plain doesn't want to ever go through with any of her pregnancies? Do you just not care about those completely valid thoughts and feelings of hers?

    I mean, take me for example. I've relied on anti-anxiety meds for the past 11 years in order to keep me sane and stable. If I were to become pregnant, I would have to go "cold turkey" on those meds for the health and safety of the fetus. Going "cold turkey" would not only cause me to go through a dangerous withdrawal syndrome, it would also cause me to revert back to the anxiety levels I had before I started taking these meds, and back then, I was anxious to the point of being paranoid, and I found it nearly impossible to trust anyone, even my own parents. I frequently had severe panic attacks that would last for hours, and which would prevent me from getting enough sleep at night.

    So why force me through withdrawal against my will, thereby ignoring my completely-valid reason to get an abortion? Do you just not care about how dangerous and hellish withdrawal would be for me and for my parents (who I'm currently living with)?

  5. I'm not saying it would be easy. There are many very hard situations like yours. I've talked to women who have been told by doctors that they will die if they continue their pregnancy. But if it's true that life begins at conception, then it's another person's life we're dealing with, not simply an inconvenience.

    I definitely do care about women. It would be completely hypocritical of me to say I'm pro-life and not care about every life; women, men, born children, unborn children, the elderly, abortion doctors, everyone. I know this is an incredibly sensitive and difficult topic so I try to be very careful. However, abortion is a matter of life and death for the most vulnerable members of our society.


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