
Saturday, April 21, 2012

The One With Planned Parenthood and the NBA and Hitler and Some Other Stuff

Well guess what. After I thought I had finally gotten in the groove of keeping up with a blog, I fell right back out of said groove. I went to Florida for the week to go scuba diving followed by a week of spring break (meaning no school to procrastinate from, thus no motivation for blogging), then the final home stretch of senior year began when there's simply no time for procrastination. I graduate from high school in 28 days, which either means I'll hit another gold mine of blogging inspiration or you wont hear from me at all. I'm rather unpredictable. But for the moment, I chose procrastination over writing four papers and a speech.

In other news, be sure to check out my nifty little poll in the right side of the page (---> that way's right) and let me know what you think. I'm absolutely sure more consistent writing will help my blog out a bit, but for some reason I'm still incapable of that one. I'm working on it.

Also! Abortion news, cause there's been a lot. Here's the most interesting, exciting, resourceful, inspiring, and thought provoking bits of abortion news. And one completely unrelated and under-viewed Youtube video that will probably make your day. No, it will make your day.

Cecile Richards
Interesting. Time Magazine released their 2012 Top 100 Most Influential People in the World list, and again it included Planned Parenthood's CEO Cecile Richards. Of the 25 people in the list who received more negative votes than positive on Time's website, Richards' had the most negative votes by far. (45,395 for Richards' compared negative runner-up Mitt Romney with 14,003). Richards placed 84th this year and 69th last year. (Article)

Exciting. Mississippi might be the first state to become abortion-free due to new regulations for clinics. Abortion doctors are required to have hospital connections in case of emergency in the abortion surgery, something the remaining Mississippi abortion doctors do not have. Pro-choice activists are fighting this legislation, which I find very curious. Why are so-called women's rights activists fighting legislation that would save women's lives? Why not spend your time and effort protecting women from unsafe abortions?

Resourceful. In honor of Hitler's birthday yesterday, go watch this thought provoking 30-minute movie.

JaVale McGee 
Inspiring. Anyone remember the connection between Tim Tebow and abortion? His mother's doctor recommended an abortion during her high-risk pregnancy, but she refused. Thanks to her brave decision, one of the most popular NFL players is still alive and well today. A similar story came out about NBA's JaVale McGee. His mother was scheduled to have him aborted, but after she suddenly began to reconsider and an answered prayer from God, she canceled her appointment. Now he's playing for the NBA and rocking a sweet name with four capitalized letters, of which I am a bit jealous. (Read article here).

Thought Provoking. And finally, Planned Parenthood decided to follow along in the footsteps of the widely successful 40 Day's for Life campaign by creating 40 Days for Prayer for Abortion. The reactions regarding this have been very interesting. Is this religious freedom? Is it sacrilege? Is it mocking 40 Days for Life? Is Planned Parenthood intimidated by the Christian group? Should we be outraged? I would say this should encourage us to pray for those in the pro-abortion movement who view themselves as Christians. Pray that God will work on their hearts and open their eyes. (Here's the article).

Completely Unrelated. And finally, to leave you with a good laugh. This is really old and really, really under appreciated. "I patrol the whole Canadian border from Washington State to Maine...State." Enjoy.


  1. Hmmmm, that is very "Thought Provoking". You know Cecile Richards started doing a thing where people gave money in the name of a "protester". They were late by like 38 days, haha. But since I accidentally got on the email list, I got an email from her telling me to give them money in the name of a protester.

    I read those things to pray for in the article and it left me wondering, what does God think of those prayers??? Does He answer them? Does He answer them in a way which they don't know? Gosh, that's weird to think about...

    Nice post by the way, I think I might copy you and write posts like that every month or something!! Haha, either you're brilliant, or I'm just easily impressed. Probably the former...=D

    1. Well it seems to me that prayer isn't commanding God around like a vending machine or anything. More than anything I think He works on our hearts, answering our prayers by simply talking to us. How cool would that be if God uses their 40 Days of Prayer for Abortion to open their eyes? There are lots of people who support abortion who are Christians. This could turn out to be very interesting, but we may never know the results in this life. :)

      I know I probably missed some of the more important pro-life news, but I just posted what I could remember. That's a cool idea, Aubry! Since I started paying attention to pro-life news it's been cool to see how it's not just far off ideas but people are doing things and laws are changing. It's encouraging, discouraging, and inspiring all at once.

    2. Yeah, who knows. God is awesome like that. I told my mom about it today and she said the idea gave her chills. That would be pretty sweet if God could flip this around and draw those people closer to Him. I'll be praying for them...

      I'm starting to think that the middle of America has good pro-life news and the rest of America mostly doesn't. Haha, I live in literally the most pro-choice state in the country, and it is completely sickening to see what people are doing here. I get discouraged on it a lot, because any good news seems so far away. As my friend said, "Well, you picked a good place to start!" Haha...

  2. I'd like to see God get angry at them for abusing prayer, and drive down their business ... Not that God is supporting their business in the first place, but you know what I mean. I think.

    Your hope that it would open their eyes is much more Christlike, haha... but I still want the revenge aspect. :D Shoobangaboom.


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