
Monday, November 7, 2011

Bricks and Sucker Punches

A Bible study leader told me a few years ago to never ask God for a brick, because He will definitely send one. When you're praying about something and trying to make a decision, asking God to make it as clear as possible (like hitting you in the head with a brick) is very effective and often very painful. The example she used was when she was trying to decide whether or not to quit her job. She prayed and asked God to hit her with a brick, then the next day she got laid off. Apparently, God did want her to quit, so the brick He sent was doing it for her. I've asked God for a couple of bricks, and boy, they're painful. If you ask God to make something clear at the expense of your own comfort, He probably will.

This is how I feel today.
The past few weeks God has been speaking to me in another way, besides bricks. After studying Proverbs 31 with my Bible study I asked God to make me into a godly woman, the woman He made me to be. I wasn't looking for a brick this time, so instead He delivered a series of sucker punches to the gut. A lot of them. After lots of long conversations Saturday night with various people about all different topics, I sensed that God is creating tension in my life to make me grow. At church Sunday morning during the main service, God gave me a huge reality check about my life. Then in youth group, every single word my youth pastor said was another punch to my gut. I left church feeling completely pathetic and helpless. I'd let my attitude, focus, and motivation for everything I do get so far off track.

This morning, I looked at the question I have to answer this week for my manifesto I'm writing for school. It was another huge punch to my gut delivered by the fist of God's sovereignty. As I care for my wounded gut, I have to write a paper about all the areas of tension and change in my life. Time to get back on track about everything. Time to focus on God. Time to invest in a shield and a helmet maybe? Maybe just listen better, so God wont have to do this again.

Somehow, just focusing on God makes moments like these so much better. Instead of feeling pathetic, I'm trying to focus on God's love for me and His incredible, overwhelming forgiveness for my stupidity. This song describes that perfectly for me.

When you want God to change you or make something obvious for you, He will. Just know that it's not super pleasant. Sometimes it's more like being hit in the head with a brick or being punched over and over again.


  1. I'll pray for you Becca! I totally know what that's like...God knows I've gone through it a gazillion times, I guess I'm a slow learner...=P

  2. Oohhh, Becca :( I hope you're doing okay. I went through a really hard time last year. I haven't really been on Facebook lately, but I've been watching your blog. :) If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here! I'll be praying for you. I definitely can relate.

  3. Thank you, Aubry and Shannon! You two are the best :) I'm doing fine, I was just having a moment of realizing my own humanity when I wrote this. You two are the coolest.


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