
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

College Mail

I get it, College. I want to be with you, too. You'll just have to wait for me, Darling. Just please stop sending me so many letters.


  1. Haha, Becca, you're too funny. :) Remember how I said I had 37 colleges recruiting me? I spoke too soon. I have gotten mail from about 400 colleges. Of course, not all of them are officially "recruiting" me like the original 37. But yee-ikes!

  2. Haha, I just get thousands of emails from colleges every day and promptly move them to my "college" folder and never look at them again!

  3. Oh my gosh, the emails are the worst. I really hate those things. The mail, though in an abundance, doesn't bother me as much as the constantly filled inbox. Tip: Create a new email address to use at any web site where a college might be receiving your information.

  4. I have a college folder that works great. That's a good idea though, Shannon! I have multiple emails for things like that already, I wish I would have thought of that sooner. At this point it's too late I think.


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