
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Friends

I'm on the process of learning something crazy. Did you know there are other teenagers passionate about abortion, besides me? Yeah, my mind is blown too. And they're pretty amazing people.

God gave me two new friends who are my age and have the same passion that I do. Every time I hear from one of them I get so excited. We can get excited and talk about stuff that all of our friends would roll their eyes about. It's like when you put two nerds in the same room, suddenly they're speaking a different language. I've never had that before, and it's awesome.

And yet again, God provides us with things we could never get on our own. Becca made a friend! :)

Read the amazing blog by one of my new friends, Aubry, here.


  1. Yeah, thanks Becca:) I'm blessed by the friendship the three of us have very quickly forged too!

  2. How did you two know this was about you?! You two are such good guessers.

  3. Because I'm just conceited like that. :P


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