
Monday, November 14, 2011

Mark 2:1-12

Today I was reading in Mark about when four guys lowered their paralytic friend down through a roof so that he could meet Jesus and be healed. I've heard this story a zillion times in Sunday school with the good 'ol flannelgraph, but today it got me thinking. To what lengths would I go to get my friend to Jesus? Would I drag him on top of a roof, bore a hole into said roof, and then carefully lower him down into a crowd of people surrounding Jesus?

I wonder if those guys knew how long their determination would last. With determination, creativity, and some faith they brought their friend to Jesus and watched him be healed and his sins be forgiven. Did they think the extra trouble they went to was worth it? They certainly didn't know their stunt would be recorded in Scripture and thousands of years later people would tell their story on flannelgraph. What if people remembered our deeds, hundreds or thousands of years from now? We don't know these guys' names, just their faith and what they did for their friend. What if people knew of our deeds in history books? What if we had that faith?

Just some thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Whoah, that's so weird! My pastor just spoke on that passage last Sunday! Seriously, I was thinking the same thing, and I have a friend who I've been really discouraged about. I know I'm in her life for a reason, she really needs help, but I've just wanted to stop. That plus her telling me about a decision she just made in her life that seems like a step towards the right path, really encouraged me to keep fighting for her! This just completely solidified that for me, so thank you thank you thank you Becca!

    Love you girl!


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