
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Originally posted in March, 2011 on tumblr
Note: this was posted a while ago, and thanks to some hardcore editing I'm not nearly as close to being finished now as I was then. This isn't a bad thing at all, it's just how editing happens. 
Stress and Big Prayers
After a much needed two week spring break and a week of being sick, now “real life” has to start again. The other day I was thinking about the coming quarter, I got slightly overwhelmed at the lists of things that needs to be done. Besides school, there’s babysitting and family and so so much writing to be done to keep me busy. With only four chapters left to write (only one of which requires a lot of research! Hallelujah!), completing the first draft seems so close but still just out of reach. While thinking about all of this, I began praying. “Help me glorify You. Did I say that wrong? Be glorified through me. In me. Despite me. This is one of those scary prayers that I don’t know if I want to pray—but I feel as if I must. Help me depend on You. Make me depend on You.” In the book Forgotten God Francis Chan talks about how God will do something completely unexpected in the most unlikely person possible in order for Him to be glorified even more. I’ve been thinking about that a lot the last few years. 
Unlikely People Doing Unexpected Things
My favorite example is Moses, because he was so unlikely for the job God gave him to do. He was born an Israelite, but grew up in Pharaoh’s house as an Egyptian. When he was around 40, he went out and saw an Egyptian beating a Israelite man. Moses killed the Egyptian and buried his body, which made the Israelites fear him. Once Pharaoh heard Moses had killed an Egyptian, Pharaoh tried to kill him as well. In a matter of days, Moses found himself belonging nowhere and hated by everyone. I can’t imagine that in my own life; everything being normal one day, then suddenly everyone hating me and trying to kill me. He ran, and left behind him his family, friends, everything familiar and dear to him. Years later God came to Moses in an unlikely way, a burning bush, to give him an unlikely task. 
God said to go back to the country where he’s an outlaw. Go to the man you grew up with as a brother who probably now hates you (who happens to be the king by now), and tell him to let all of his slaves go. Then become their leader, despite the fact they hated you too, and bring them out of oppression and into the wilderness. After hearing this, Moses promptly reminds God that he has a speech impediment (which is kind of funny, actually). All the odds are against him. There were so many people who would have been a more reasonable choice to do what God was telling Moses to do. What does God say? “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak” (Exodus 4:11-12). Now, it seems unlikely enough that the most powerful king on earth would listen to a man without an army when he said to let all of his slaves go free. Then throw in the other variables that Moses was an outlaw, wasn’t exactly on friendly terms with anyone, and could very easily be thrown into slavery with his fellow Israelites. Not to mention he was putting his own family at risk by bringing them to Egypt with him. But God had a bigger plan: “Now therefore go, and I will be your mouth.” God wants to use our weaknesses to show off His strength. I used to always think He made us with our different talents and abilities so we can serve Him best. While that’s somewhat true, I think He gives us our weaknesses even more for Him to be glorified. 
I’m not an outlaw, I’m not hated by everyone, I’m not suffering from a speech impediment, and there aren’t people plotting my death, but I do have my own weaknesses. There are so many things that should disqualify me for doing what God has me to do. I have nothing interesting about me to make people want to read what I have to say, I’m not that great of a writer, I’m only sixteen years old… Just to name the most obvious, but the list goes on and on. However, God is telling me to “go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” 
Prayer Is an Opportunity for God to Shine 
Asking God to make me depend on Him is intimidating. Actually, it’s really, really scary. Setting out to write a book on on of the most heated topics of our time as a teenager is really, really scary and intimidating. Praying and asking God to end abortion and the daily murder of thousands of innocent children is also scary and intimidating. But God is a big God, and if we don’t depend fully on Him, He wont have the opportunity to provide for us in big ways. If we’re not weak, He wont have the opportunity to be our strength. If we don’t pray big prayers, He wont have the opportunity to give us big answers. 
So, these next few months, I’m going to be depending on God. The normal Becca stresses out each week because of just homework, and really can’t manage much at all. Instead of freaking out, I’m learning to ask: What is God going to do despite of my weaknesses next?

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