
Monday, August 22, 2011

Where Are the Feminists Now?

***Edit: I lot of people seem to be missing my point here. I'm sorry for the ambiguity; please let me clarify. I am not blaming feminists for forced sterilization, forced contraception, and forced abortions in Asia. I am simply asking why they aren't fighting this more. If abortion is a fundamental right, then is it okay that it's being forced on women in Asia? It's starting to look like abortion is not equalizing men and women in Asia, rather being used to discriminate against women.

Abortion is used to kill women. There are currently 163 million more men than women in Asia. Why? Because 163 women have been killed. Whether you believe an unborn human, a fetus, is a life or a potential life (another argument for another time), you still can't say that 163 missing women is bringing equality to women.

I'm sorry for the confusing and I will try to be more clear in future posts. Thank you for reading.***

“163 million women are missing from Asia. That is the entire female population of the United States.” 
The feminists who claim the “right to abortion” is what gives them true equality with men should be horrified by this truth. 
Thanks to population control, forced sterilization, forced contraception, and forced abortions in Asia, there are 163 million men without future wives. Rebecca Taylor explains, “This abundance of unmarried men is not a small problem. Unmarried men are more violent than their married counterparts. Crime is now on the rise: 
Between 1992 and 2004 China’s crime rate nearly doubled. In India from 2003 to 2007 rape cases surged over 30 percent and abduction by over 50 percent prompting the government to unveil female-only trains.”
163 million women are missing, and those who are left are living in fear of being raped, kidnapped, and sold as property to ensure rich families a wife for their son. The pro-abortion movement claims that abortion is a fundamental right for women. Where are the feminists now? 


  1. Here's a feminist.

    "Thanks to population control, forced sterilization, forced contraception, and forced abortions in Asia...."

    Feminists DO NOT believe in forcing anything upon women. Forced sterilization, contraception and abortions are all very much the exact opposite of what the feminist movement believes in. We believe that women should have choice.

    Also, I cannot even believe that you would place blame on feminists for men being violent. Shouldn't men have the moral responsibility to just, you know, not be violent? They need women around in their lives to make them not violent? That's the biggest load of BS I have ever read.

    Also, your link doesn't even work - maybe even your incredibly biased and one-sided news source "LifeNews" realized just how ridiculous that article was.

  2. In response to the other comment, and just to play devil's advocate (for lack of a better term) it seems ironic that the term "moral responsibility" is used toward men, while defending the right of women to kill unborn children... Where is the equality or morality in that? I'm not saying that violence and rape should ever be considered acceptable, I simply want to point out the fact that you can't hold one group of people responsible for upholding "moral responsibility" and let the other off the hook. If there's a moral standard that dictates to us that violence and rape are wrong, then what does it say about abortion? What are you basing this moral standard on? And if we insist on being "equal" then are we not all responsible for living by and upholding this moral code? Just something to think about...


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